How Emotional Healing Transformed VEO-IBD

A 5-year-old boy. VEO-IBD
A rare, medically incurable autoimmune disease. It is managed by suppressing the immune system with medication.
We have done a total of approximately 40 half-hour sessions, removing a lot of inherited issues from both the father’s and the mother’s sides, going deep into generations, and eliminating many imbalances that were preventing the immune system from functioning correctly. These were mostly traumas related to fear. The trigger for the disease was a virus at the age of 2.
The test results improved so much that the doctor significantly reduced the dose of medication. Tom’s body showed me that the inflammation has subsided and his immune system is balanced, and I am looking forward to the next tests!

Disclaimer for "EmotionHealer Diaries":

The stories, experiences, and client testimonials shared on 'EmotionHealer Diaries' are based on the personal practice and experiences of Mila Bart, an Emotion and Body Code Practitioner. The content provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, psychiatric, or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While Emotion and Body Code practices have helped many individuals, results can vary and are not guaranteed.

The identities and details of all client stories have been altered to protect their privacy. Any resemblance to specific individuals, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

Readers are encouraged to consult with a licensed healthcare professional for any medical or psychological concerns. The views expressed on this blog do not necessarily reflect the standards or practices of Emotion and Body Code practitioners worldwide.

By accessing 'EmotionHealer Diaries', you acknowledge and agree that neither Mila Bart nor 'EmotionHealer Diaries' shall be liable for any claims or damages resulting from the use of the information provided.